Current year events: 2022
- One-week Online Faculty Development Programme On “advanced Technologies In Life Sciences” (february 6 – 11, 2023) – Upcoming
- Hands-on Training Workshop On Python For Physical Science & Its Practical Approach (from 30th January -3rd February 2023) – Upcoming
- Hands-on Training Workshop on Genomic Data Science and Analysis (from 16th January – 19th January 2023) – Upcoming
- Hands-on Training Workshop on Python for Biology & its Practical Approach (from 9th January – 13th January 2023) – Upcoming
- Hands-on Training Workshop On Techniques For Manipulation Of Nucleic Acids For Application In Genomics (from 26th December – 7th January 2023) – Upcoming
- Workshop Notice,Hands-on Training on ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and its applications 14 June – 21 June 2022.
- Workshop on “Bacterial genome identification, Sequencing and characterization”, on 20 April, 2022. The purpose of this workshop is to impart knowledge and hands-on learning experience in bacterial genome sequencing and data analysis.
- Workshop on “Techniques for manipulation of nucleic acids for application in Genomics”, from 11 March 2022 to 21 March 2022 for undergraduate students. The workshop is to provide hands-on training on various techniques used in Recombinant DNA technology.
Events in previous years 2019
- Students Winter Workshop on “Expression of Recombinant proteins” from December 17-21, 2019. In this, theory lectures covering expression of recombinant proteins and their applications were held. Hands-on training was provided for recombinant protein expression and SDS-PAGE. Western Blotting was demonstrated.
- Lecture by Dr Malathi Lakshmikumaran, Executive Director and Practice Head of Patents, Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan Attorneys, New Delhi titled “Inventions and Intellectual Property Protection: India and Abroad” on 15 July 2019.
- One-day Science Communication Workshop on 15 July 2019 along with Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance.
- Teachers Summer Workshop on “Recombinant proteins: Expression, Purification, Characterization” from July 2-16, 2019. In this, theory lectures covering cloning, expression and purification of recombinant proteins, their applications, methods to study protein-protein interactions and protein characterization were held. Hands-on training was provided for recombinant protein expression, protein purification and characterization using SPR Technology on Biacore 3000.
- Summer Workshop on “Techniques for manipulation of nucleic acids for applications in Genomics”, from June 10-22, 2019. In this, Hands-on training was provided for isolation and purification of Chromosomal and plasmid DNA, and Automated Capillary based Sanger Sequencing
- Lecture by Dr Mark Feinberg, President and CEO, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative titled “Enabling Global Access to Monoclonal Antibodies Through Innovative Technology and Partnerships” on 28th March 2019.
- Lecture by Dr. Ashutosh Pastor, Manager, Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT), the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi on “Bio-Entrepreneurship: How to Kick Start your Startup” and by Dr. Sarita Ahlawat, the BIRAC_BIG Innovator, TBIU, IIT-Delhi & Head- Living Science Group, on “Life in the start-up world: developing new technologies and a science communication platform” on 28 January 2019.
- DBT-sponsored brain storming meeting on “Strategies for Treatment Modalities for Snake Bite with special focus on Recombinant Antibodies” at CIIDRET under the aegis DBT- funded Centre of Excellence on “Antibody Technology Research for Therapeutic and Diagnostic applications”.lecture by Dr. Devin Sok, the Director of Antibody Discovery and Development for IAVI (International AIDS Vaccine Initiative), at Scripps Research Institute, la Jolla, California, USA, on ” Antibody Discovery against variable pathogens ” on 14th November 2018.
- Lecture by Prof. Christopher Broder, Director, Emerging Diseases Graduate Programme, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda Maryland, USA entitled “Nipah virus and Hendra virus: Basic Science to Global Countermeasures” on 9th August 2018.
- 1st National Workshop on Protein Purification and Characterization in association with GE Healthcare Lifesciences on 6-9th February, 2018 for Biologists interested in learning
chromatographic techniques suitable for production-scale protein purification.
- Lecture by Dr. Renu Swarup, Senior Adviser, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India entitled “Igniting Minds..Spurring Innovations” as a part of Entrepreneurship Guest Public Lecture Series to promote Industry-Academia Interaction on 3rd July 2017.
- Lecture by Mr. Nilesh Mehta, CEO & President, Premier Medical Corporation Ltd., Nani Daman, India entitled “Biotech Industry in India – Opportunities and Challenges” as a part of Entrepreneurshi Guest Public Lecture Series to promote Industry – Academia Interaction Initiative on 7th April 2017
- 2nd National Workshop on Genome Informatics, on March 6-8, 2017 at University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi. In this, Hand-on training was provided in collaboration with M/s Bionivid Technology Private Limited, Bangalore